Our management approach is built upon our values, which constitute the cornerstone of our corporate culture and social responsibility understanding against our Employees, the Society and the Environment during all our activities.
We believe that human resources is our real asset to increase the competitive power of our customers by serving high quality and creative products, solutions and services with Sustainable Growth.
We conduct all our business dealings in accordance with the human rights and global principles, and give all personal benefits of our employees in compliance with the applicable laws of all countries.
In order to create a safe and healthy work environment, we conduct and modify all our activities based on our Policy of Health and Safety at Work.
Thanks to our Humanitarian, Friendly and Modest approach, we also encourage our employees to act accordingly.
We support team work and collaboration, and encourage hard-working, self-discipline, rigor and patience.
During all our corporate activities, we adopt a fair and honest attitude against our employees, and never tolerate discrimination because of language, race, color, sexual orientation, religion, sect, political orientation, age, physical disability or of other similar reasons.
We take all required measures to "Protect the Health" of our employees, and organize Health Life Programs and ensure participation thereto.
We meet all Environmental Requirements during our activities in accordance with Environmental Policy.
We conduct our activities by showing due diligence to the protection of the environment, well beyond the legal requirements.
We accept the Minimization of Environmental Effects, the Conservation of Energy and Natural Resources as our top priority in our Product and Process designs and one of our most important duties for a sustainable world.
Under the scope of our Social Responsibility, full adherence to, and the implementation of, our above principles is our primary business goal, which is also one of expectations from our Employees, Suppliers and all entities we cooperate.
We also work to raise the awareness with respect to social subjects by means of the training programs we organize.
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